Electro fishing devices - AIGRETTE


The AIGRETTE® is a compact electric fishing device, which settings allow to be used for ring anode fishing in waters ranging from 65 to 2000 microS/cm, which means, all fresh water except waters with low mineral content (high mountain waters, waters of granitic massif,...). Thanks to the flexibility of these settings it's perfect for researchers and professionals who work in varying aquatic environments with very different species of fish.


The AIGRETTE ® is the only device on the market whose output voltage is adjustable without discontinuity which allows fine setting of the electro-taxis and avoid the fish's tetany regardless of conductivity.

Cover in reinforced polyester and frame in stainless steel with wide tires wheels for easy handling.
Small wheels are possible to reduce the width. An adaptable handle at the front is usable for transportation by two.

Compliance with the European law and the French decree of February 2, 1989, that provides higher security.

Remote control by wire or wireless (coded HF signals).
Control is possible by the anode carrier.
Puncture proof wheels. Actual fished time counter in hours minutes and seconds, with reset.

® Registered Trademark of DREAM Electronique